Back in 2009, colleague and close friend Firat Eroglu, with whom we previously had designed two different scale projects in Karadeniz Eregli, brought to our attention the idea of developing the site owned by his family in Suleymanlar neighborhood poised to regenerate with upcoming court and hospital buildings. Despite the mutual enthusiasm, the cooperation proceeded very slowly at the beginning. It took until year 2013 until it was finally decided to unite the 5 adjacent parcels belonging to 4 different individuals and develop a project on those. Although design works are lead by the developer/contractor in most similar projects, our office undertook the architectural design with the reference of Firat Eroglu.
Proje Adı* / Project Name: Pruva Plaza
Proje Yeri* / Project Location: Karadeniz Ereğli, Zonguldak
Proje Ofisi* / Project Office: Manço Mimarlık / Manço Architects
Tasarım Ekibi* / Design Team: Ali Manço
Mimari Proje Ekibi / Architectural Project Team: Zühtü Usta, Zeynep Ceren Erdinç
Yardımcı / Assistant: –
Proje Yöneticisi / Project Manager: Fırat Eroğlu
Danışman / Consultant: –
İşveren* / Client : Arma İnşaat / Arma Construction
Ana Yüklenici* / General Contractor: Arma İnşaat / Arma Construction
Konsept Tasarımı / Conceptual Design: Manço Mimarlık / Manço Architects
İç Mekan Projesi / Interior Design: Manço Mimarlık / Manço Architects
Peyzaj Projesi / Landscape Design: Manço Mimarlık / Manço Architects
Uygulama Projesi / Application Project: Manço Mimarlık / Manço Architects
Cephe Tasarımı / Façade Design: Manço Mimarlı / Manço Architects k
Mobilya Tasarımı / Furniture Design: –
Aydınlatma Tasarımı / Lighting Design: Manço Mimarlık / Manço Architects
Grafik Tasarım / Graphics Design: –
Statik Projesi / Structural Design: Çivici Mühendislik
Mekanik Projesi / Mechanical Design: Çivici Mühendislik
Elektrik Projesi / Electrical Design: Çivici Mühendislik
Tesisat Projesi / Plumbing Design: Çivici Mühendislik
Çelik Projesi / Steel Design: –
Altyapı Projesi / Infrastructure Design: –
Akustik Projesi / Acoustical Design: –
Akustik Danışmanı / Acoustical Consultant: –
Yangın Tahliye Projesi / Fire Escape Design: –
Yangın Güvenlik Danışmanı / Fire Escape Consultant: –
Maket / Model: –
Fotoğraf / Photos: Canberk Özcoşkun
3 Boyutlu Görselleştirme / 3D Visualisation: Manço Mimarlık / Manço Architects
Mimari Mesleki Kontrollük / Architectural Application Supervision: Fırat Eroğlu
Şantiye Yöneticisi / Construction Manager: Veli Karakök
Proje Başlangıç Yılı* / Project Start Year: 2013
Proje Bitiş Yılı* / Project Finish Year: 2013
İnşaat Başlangıç Yılı* / Construction Start Year: 2013
İnşaat Bitiş Yılı* / Construction Finish Year: 2015
Arsa Alanı (m2)* / Site Area (m²): 1.702,8m²
Toplam İnşaat Alanı (m2)* / Total Construction Area (m²): 4.730m²
The first difficulty we faced was the unique zoning regulations enforced in Karadeniz Eregli, which were significantly different from those in Istanbul. The initial proposals that we developed by interpreting the maximum façade width clause, a constraint we hadn’t faced before, were rejected by the local municipality. We could get a preapproval for the building layout only after studying numerous schemes. Moreover, the minimum distances to energy transmission lines spanning above the plot were additional unusual limitations we needed to overcome.
Due to their dissenting views, the land owners and the contractor cancelled their contract during the preliminary design stage. However, another construction firm run by younger individuals was swiftly found. Since there was no specific building function agreed upon by the stakeholders, the project was studied multiple times from scratch as residential and office. Following heated debates, it was decided that the building should include all three of retail, office and residential functions.
The sections of offices and residences, as well as their respective circulations areas were separated above the ground and mezzanine floors designed as retail spaces. Entrance to the office section to be used mainly by attorneys was planned on the main street façade facing the new court building, whereas the residential entrance was planned on the more private back façade.
The office and residential parts were tilted in a way creating the impression of two neighboring buildings. An optimal layout on the rhomboid shaped plot within the maximum width limitation was achieved with this solution. 15 separate units in total with differing sizes according to the shares of each owner were planned on retail floors and above.
Despite the successful planning of three distinct functions within a limited space, the distribution of individual units to floors and the ownership division thereof became an extremely difficult problem due to the conflicts among land owners. A mutually satisfying solution was achieved after countless revisions made according to the negotiations led by Firat Eroglu who took the role of project coordinator.
Division of functions expressed with the mass design was emphasized by the use of different façade materials. The commercial functions, namely retail and office spaces, were clad with light and dark grey fiber cement, whereas the residences were clad with wood patterned laminated panels. The materials were chosen for their durability and lack of need for maintenance. The variations of units were displayed with window openings with differing locations and widths on floors above the mezzanine. Dynamism was added to the equally sized office windows with sliding sunbreakers with wood pattern. Balconies were created in each residence as well as office and external units of heating-cooling devices were hidden inside niches located in those. Dark grey tiles in harmony with both the retail floor cladding and window railings were preferred for roof cladding. Natural light was allowed into the uppermost spaces through roof windows since the local zoning regulations effective at the time did not permit roof terraces.
The building was completed almost exactly as designed thanks to the successful project management and construction supervision of a colleague, Firat Eroglu, with whom we share common sensitivities, as well as the utmost care shown by the contractor, Arma Construction, for the precise application of the architectural design and materials selection. Uses of signboards and modifications to balconies by some users that would damage the architecture were partially prevented by the protective attitude of the project manager and the contractor.
The distinct and contemporary architectural design that has distinguished the building in Karadeniz Eregli has contributed to the sale or lease of units above market price.

Manço Architects, founded in 1970 by Aytaç Manço, Dipl. Arch., is an Istanbul based, award winning architectural practice with ISO9001:2015 certification that has been designing projects in Turkey and abroad, which have been featured on architectural publications.

The firm run by Aytaç Manço and his son, Ali Manço, B.Sc. Architect / M.Sc. C.E.M. is providing architectural / interior design, consulting and construction monitoring services by combining its professional experience of more than 50 years with the dynamism of its young team.
Areas of architectural expertise of the practice include a wide range of project types including residential, office, data center, mixed use, fair / exhibition, commercial, public and industrial buildings where cost and energy efficient innovative solutions are sought.