The Aqaba Marine Park is a marine sanctuary established in 1997 on the southern shore of the city of Aqaba, where there are large coral reefs and coral reefs,
Architects: Hussein Ali
Status: Concept
which are characterized by their huge biodiversity, in order to protect the marine habitats in that region from the potential risks that may result from the expansion of various tourism and economic projects.
The marine life of the reserve has evolved into a tourist attraction. A ship, a tank and an airplane are being drowned in coral, increasing the beauty of coral reefs, which contain marine life such as the wreckage of sunrise, blue coral, cedar pride, gorgon, Japanese garden, The New Valley, the Seven Sisters and many others contain rare species of coral and accommodates freely from turtles, snakes and various forms of fish.
There is a pilot site for diving close to the beach and the depths of the water is limited was dumped a tank in it and nearby was recently dumping a plane and some of the coral-free areas in the area, which can be considered as an entrance to the world of diving and enjoy marine gardens.
Project Idea :
Enable non-practicing Aqaba visitors or scuba divers to have the rare opportunity to see marine life in one of the world’s most beautiful marine reserves without harming the natural environment and with minimal intervention.
Therefore, it was proposed to create a biosphere crystal under the water near the recently flooded plane, which has the following characteristics:
⦁ Be small with a capacity of not more than 70 visitors and be limited to watching and sitting so that services are reduced to the minimum
⦁ Installation by cylindrical heart with a base installed on the sea floor and with an area not exceeding radius (radius) which greatly reduces the environmental impact
⦁ The glass crystal should be smooth so that the installation system is internal to prevent coral formation on the surface and enable visitors to view marine life
⦁ The level of luminescence is low as the marine life is alienated from the light
⦁The entrance is to be crystallized through two entrances, the first of which is a traditional locomotive within the cylindrical heart, taking into account the difference in the level of the entrance from
the upper raft due to the tidal and the second by a spiral through a spiral metal rail. The vehicle moves the visitors to the lower entrance through a smal
l room that is emptied from Water before opening the inner door to the vital crystal.
⦁ The biological crystal is above a small circular ridge that can be enjoyed watching the surface of the water off the shore
The land station :
On the beach near the training diving area in the tank park, the Aqaba Marine Park entrance site was designed and
dynamically designed to give a hint of movement to the sea.
The shape of the open wheel helped to achieve this feeling and on the axis of the movement was signed a path as a bridge and
walk into the sea up to the raft above which the vital crystal, which is a gateway to non-divers to the world of the sea and discover what it contains.

Hussein Ali
i completed my bachelor’s DEGREE in architectral design at philadelphia university in 2018 .
My vesion since entering architecture is to accomplish new things in architecture and solve existing problems in my country by optimizing existing resources.
I try to connect everythhing I see with architecture and extract an idea whether this thing is natural or architectural in rrder to
develop my talent of architecture seeking the ideas extraction of the project in the most comprehensive and quickest way possible.
dynamically designed to give a hint of movement to the sea.
The shape of the open wheel helped to achieve this feeling and on the axis of the movement was signed a path as a bridge and
walk into the sea up to the raft above which the vital crystal, which is a gateway to non-divers to the world of the sea and discover what it contains.