It is said that the source of the building seems to have become the root of our lives. It is so simple that it has withdrawn from our memory. In the events of the Internet and illusion, the kind of illusions whose roots can no longer satisfy the physical space.
RTF Educational Awards 2020
First Award | Sports & Recreational
Project Name: Colosseum of e-Sport
Student Name: SHIN-YU, LIN
Design Team: SHIN-YU, LIN
University Name: National Chiao Tung University
Area: Taiwan
Year: June 2019
Location: Hsinchu, Taiwan

But perhaps in the process of fragmenting the whole, a method can be found, scattered all over the place, and then fragmented as a whole to meet the scientific and technological desires of the illusion.

In order to generate a system that produces a series of architectural form, this project pushes me to find a way to organize my own form-finding system. To achieve this goal, I used a method regarding to “explosion” and “reorganization.” Otherwise, this practice told us that we have to choose a site considering whole factor that impact on our system and does programming it. Therefore, we have to figure out a suitable way to fix some issue that we didn’t expect when we create this system.

Form finding system
This process is about “explosion” and “reorganization.” It is made in a digital environment that let me repeat specific steps easily and immediately. Focusing on studying what this system made, this system is not only a “form-finding” process but a system to find opportunities, breaking the ideas of “space” that we used to think.

Architectural elements system
As soon as the form-finding system has finished, the hierarchy of main architectural elements have been defined. Those elements will be adjusted by floor plan study. On the one hand, all of the space needs to be articulated and reorganized. On the other hand, to make sure all of the elements, such as circulation, entrance, seats, and opening, are appropriate in the system, it needs to redefine the result which is made by the form-finding system.
Over more than half a decade Rethinking the Future has been a leading organization committed to providing an international platform to not only recognize and acknowledge design talents from all over the world but also to celebrate and share the knowledge that created through a plethora of awards, events and academic dialogues in the field of architecture and design.