The lot is located inside the Euganean Hills Regional Park, surrounded by green hills, on the top of one of them stands the neo-Gothic Villa Serenella.
The project strategy capitalizes on the morphological opportunities the site offers by developing a single-story house, guaranteeing continuity between the living spaces and the surrounding greenery.
Project: MIDE architetti
Location: Cervarese Santa Croce (PD) Italia
Committee: PRIVATO
Construction Company: VISENTIN COSTRUZIONI S.r.l
Infixes: IMPRONTA serramenti
Timing: 10/2014 Job assignmen
05/2016 Start of construction work
09/2017 End of construction work
Surface: 190 m2
Photo: Alessandra Bello
The lot configuration permits the best orientation of the building, which is composed of two main volumes, regularly shaped and perpendicular to each other. The living area faces north-south, while the bedrooms are east-west. The equipment rooms, storage and the guest areas are located at the intersection of the two volumes. The space of the living area, thanks to the large glass doors to the north and south, visibly stretches toward the two large adjacent gardens, providing a view of the surrounding hills and Villa Serenella.
Long walls define the architectural set and frame the most evocative views, at the same time guaranteeing a good level of privacy along with the pitched roof that covers the entire volume.
The building is harmoniously inserted in the site, bearing the typical features and traditional elements belonging to the local rural architecture, updating them in a contemporary setting.

MIDE Architetti is a Venice-based architecture firm that deals with a range of projects: urban, architectural and interiors. The focus on simplicity of lines and purity in volumetric outcomes, as well as particular attention to details, fixtures and fittings and material selection characterize their design approach.
What primarily inspires their design and architecture is the functional analysis of the client’s needs and the sensitive reading of the site: the project responds to the predisposition of the site, whose representative traits are reinterpreted and translated into new architectural solutions.
The team’s work stands out for its particular attention to environmental and energetic sustainability, thanks to valuable consultations from qualified specialists. Among the most notable clients are leading companies such as Volvo Trucks Italy, Renault Trucks, Interbau, Philippe Model, Intercoop, Rubner Haus, Stilenatura, John Barritt, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, Benetton, Birrificio Antoniano, Gianni Chiarini Design, Acynetic; as well as the public administrations of the Emilia Romagna region, the municipalities of Mirandola, Viadana, Massa Finalese, San Felice sul Panaro, Mira, Campodoro and Este.
Alongside their professional activities, the firm carries out constant research through participation in national
and international competitions, leading the office to rapidly gain prestigious recognitions and publications.