The project has consisted in the transformation of a XIX century palazzo into a boutique hotel with only 12 rooms.
The axialidad of the plant of the building was reinforced when moving the second patio, the backyard, to the axis of symmetry of the building. Another important element was the roof, where a small pool and rest areas have been integrated for hotel users.
Address: Calle Castelar, 26. 41001 Sevilla, España
Typology: Hotels, Interior, Transformation
Status: Built
Collaborators: Blanca Sánchez, Daniel Pérez, Giordano Baly, Marta Romero, Óscar García de la Cámara, Rubén Ramos, Sara Gutiérrez
Interiorismo: Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos, Habitectura
Landscape: LOCAL 4, Terapia Urbana
Restauración: Atlas Arqueología y Patrimonio
Infography: Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
Fotografía: Habitectura, Manolo Espaliú
Ingeniería de estructuras: Bis arquitectes
Ingeniería de clima: IS Ingenieros
Seguridad y Salud: Mariano Nieto
Survey: Enrique Moreno Ramos
Control de Obra: Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
Constructoras: Construcciones Cruz de Alcalá, San José
Cruz y Ortiz was responsible of the execution and completion of the works, but not of the interior design.
The Hotel Mercer Sevilla has been classified by Tripadvisor as the best luxury hotel in Spain.

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Thank you very much. Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos team.