This thesis studies the complications and issues that arise in the future when the use of the autonomous vehicle becomes mainstream and more widespread in the city. The autonomous vehicle is a car that can control itself without human intervention. As opposed to the conventional car, which is parked 95% of the day; the self-driving, autonomous vehicle is in constant motion during most of the day and rests during the night.
RTF Educational Awards 2020
Second Award | Transportation
Project Name: Beyond the autonomous vehicle: The new mobility hub
Student Name: Ying-Jun Chen
Location: United States

Thus, what changes will this bring to the city when parking spaces will no longer be filled during the day. This major shift in vehicular will no doubt raise questions regarding the future typologies of parking infrastructure. It is time to think about the impact of future transportation infrastructure beyond the autonomous vehicle, and onto the architecture of the city.

This thesis will argue that this new type of automotive system requires a new type of parking infrastructure that will be able to serve as a hub for autonomous vehicles while informing a new relationship between humans and machines.

The design of a mobility hub will function as a place of rest for the AV cars but will also provide flexible programs and spaces for the users at the same time.
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