As technology and the world at large gains momentum in its growth, educators have finally begun to understand the importance of adjusting old traditional teaching styles in order to promote new forms of learning. Teachers are switching from books to digital materials, and from worksheets to group projects and increased opportunities to understand curriculum in real-world contexts.
Certainly, a school’s design shall not be forgotten in this time of change.
Designer: Jessica Wei
Status: Concept
This proposal grows from the influence of nature, light, and community.
At the core is a tree, whose branches extend as a canopy does over the stage created by the curving lines of the building’s interior courtyard. This is the core of this community’s sharing in development. It emphasizes a value of gathering, sharing, and opportunity to celebrate within community.
The form of the building is derived from curving lines mimicing a leaf or eye. Like a hurricane revolving around the eye of the storm, the remainder of the building forms with curving lines reflective of the core.
The plan was further developed keeping in mind that which are worthy ideas: collaboration, sharing, community, and the well-being of students and imstructors. Every part of the building aims to utilize natural daylight as much as possible for the environment around and for the well-being of those who are in the building, living and breathing, day in and day out.
As we steer away from “corridors,” the space opens up for many opportunities for students and teachers to gather. From the wide front steps of the school to the expanses of space along the glass of the courtyard, we look towards transparency and connectivity as understanding the world and environment we live in becomes increasingly important.
The building sits on top of a hill, with classroom windows pointing outwards toward the surroundings, reminding students that this is the community which supports their explorations and journey towards discovery and learning.

Jessica Wei
Jessica Wei is currently a third-year student at the University of Cincinnati, pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Interior Design. She is from Cincinnati, Ohio and is interested in any opportunities which advocate for honest, liberating, and community-based design. She has previously worked at both L-Brands and at Trinity: Planning, Design, and Architecture in Columbus, Ohio.