Sambhav house: Designing this Elegant yet Modern Style Commercial Office Place in Surat, Gujarat by THE INTERIOR WORKSHOP. The area is divined in 3 sections such as Main Cabin, Conference Cabin and work area for other staff members.
Project name –Sambhav house
Chief/Principle Designer – Arch. Tejas Mistry
Team Members – Tejas Mistry, Kalpesh Chotaliya,Piyush Pancholi
Typology – Commercial
Project Location – Surat, Gujarat
Completion Year – 2018
Text Credit – Shivani Jhawar
Photo Credit – Kamal Bengali
Website –

Elegant and modern style interior designing is used in main cabin. Main table is made up of metal and wood along with acrylic and glass table top finish. Back side storage Is made up of wooden with veneer finish it is placed on the yellow colour wall as backside wall base which is mixed up in all tones and combination of two colours.

Sofa sitting is in classic simple pattern with black glossy leather finish material along with wooden in classic style. Ceiling is designed in plain grey based on rustic style along with the wooden battens as highlighter of ceiling design and lighting is also embellished with the wooden batten. Back side storage and ceiling is designed in such fabulous way which keeps continuity and flow in two of the area with coordinates each other in best way.

Working Area for staff is designed and made in very elegant two combo colour tone style which gives eye pleasing and calm look. Lighting design in this office is in very unique and stylish way which keeps coordination and link with all areas and also as a highlighter in ceiling in the best way.

Storage of upper side in working area is designed in white colour with PU deco on it, and keeping ceiling plain and simple in grey Rustic style. Staircase handle is made up of wooden with brown glossy finish polish merging up with the lights in it which completely highlighted the staircase area in best way. Site is completely designed in elegant yet modern style with best lighting concepts.