


In San Pedro, Garza García, commercial buildings are sprouting from the ground like grass land, mainly on the commercial corridor Calzada del Valle. This avenue consists of 2 streets of…

The project brief called for a new boutique office and the reconstruction of a pair of heritage-listed shophouses. WOHA was commissioned only after their demolition to reconstruct the shopfront (up to 7.5m…

The store has all the hallmarks of a minimalist Nendo design. This functional space is inspired by an art installation, in which the shoes are definitely the main focus. “We’ve created a…

Emporia is first and foremost an urban planning project in which offices, housing, and retail come together in a mixed-use development along Boulevarden and Stationsgatan in Hyllie, on the south…

Estonians have historically been “forest dwellers”. Their experience in building from wood goes back to the 3rd millennium BCE when the first timber structure was built – the koda (chamber). Through traditions and…