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Pawling Green House | FZAD

Honorable Mention | Residential (Concept)

Firm Name: FZAD
Participant  Name: Frederic Zonsius
Country : United States
The Pawling Greenhouse serves as a model home that allows the user to experience the quality and beauty of a luxury home while remaining environmentally responsible. Located in upstate New York, this home is designed to accommodate for comfort through all seasons with minimal environmental impact.
The home offers floor-to-ceiling views from every room without allowing sun penetration during the hot summer months, and still welcomes the sun in to heat up the interior spaces during the cold winter months.  This passive shading is achieved through the implementation of automated louvres. Behind this space is a trombe wall to absorb and store heat in the winter and insulate during the summer.
The house collects rainwater and directs it to the treatment pond in front of the house. It is then filtered beneath the bridge and is sent to a storage unit. From the container the water is distributed to the water closets and irrigation system. The large reflecting pond also cools the wind during the summer before it infiltrates the house. The driveway is made from permeable pavers, which allows the ground to absorb rainwater and have a minimal effect on the water cycle and natural runoff. The surrounding landscape only consists of indigenous plants to
The building is located at the bottom of a gentle hill and its lower level is sheltered in the landscape. This greatly helps the insulation of the home. The location also allows for protection against prevailing winds.  The roof above the sleeping areas also expands the landscape through the incorporation of a green roofing system. Not only will this reduce storm water runoff but it will also act as insulation and help the energy efficiency of the home.
With today’s advances in sustainable technologies, there is no reason a home of this size would need to depend solely on an external power grid. The home is capable of producing most of its energy through a photovoltaic system atop the southern roof. The goal is not only to produce energy but reduce heating and cooling loads, thus reducing costs and environmental impact. This home attempts to make use of and demonstrate the various methods of implementing sustainable strategies. This home proves that a luxury lifestyle can be obtained while still remaining comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

If you’ve missed participating in this award, don’t worry. RTF’s next series of Awards for Excellence in Architecture & Design – is open for Registration.
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