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Bionic city. City of future | Karina Ashrapova

First Award | Landscape Design

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[tab_title]Project Info[/tab_title]
[tab]Participant  Name: Karina Ashrapova
University: Kazan state university of architecture and building construction
Country : Russia[/tab]
[tab]Bionic city. City of future
What is the modern city? It is difficult, multifunctional structure where the main link is it’s society.  City rhythm usually forms a day regimen of the person, and it is very important how architectural spaces can help the person to safe his life, fill it by bright paints and emotions. I select the main problems of the city, which demand our attention: an immoral and thoughtless relation to ecology, nature; concept that the wild nature is dangerous for people and it is perceived only as an entertainment; animals in the city are enemies; separation of  society, loneliness;  lack of childhood educational institutions  for education persons; egoism. The bionic city is the urban concept directed on transformation of the city, introduction to it bionic “additives”. These additives serve as natural components, such as city reserve, houses for birds, green farms, natural streets, water channels, gardens and parks. On interaction of artificial (architecture) and natural evolve spaces of education and breeding.  Thanks to close contact with nature a person changes internally, his outlook changes too, he begins to respect nature, as he understands that he is a part of nature. The structure of city knot is constructed on an overflowing of functions to each other, forming big monofunctional spaces and multilevel multifunctional city places. Bionic plasma smoothly takes root into city geometry, thereby creating public spaces for activity of people. City center makes a interplacement of cultural and natural cocoons.
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