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Weavers Center, Maheshwar | Rashi Sonsakia


  1. The study focuses majorly on reviving the COMMUNITY, IDENTITY AND CONTINUITY of a town which has its own identity even today and are known by their art forms. Thus for a particular town, the main question arises today is to run with the present times or revive their own identity. Thus the design explore to keep the community values intact, revives its own identity and continue to move with the present times.
  2. The main aim of the project is to provide a platform that generates opportunities for the town to evolve through its heritage, economy and culture.This project focuses on the upgradation of the weaving industry of Maheshwar.The project has major two components for the upgradation of weavers,

Third Award | DAF 2016 Students Awards
Category: Cultural
Participant  Name: Rashi Sonsakia
University: Sarvajanik College Of Engineering & Technology
Country: India

Weavers Center, Maheshwar (1)

1. The core idea is to merge the abstractions of weaving with the architectural language of the place. Weaving is a process of exploration of forms, space, light, colours, scale, proportions and gradation of interesting patterns, thus these abstractions creates endless possibilities and opportunities for a design to transform.
Weavers Center, Maheshwar (2)

2. Warps and wefts are the basic elements of weaving fabrics. Abstractions of formations, inter relations, mixture of colours, mergence, densification are carried forward to understand the in depth patterns of weaving. The beating mechanisms order the warp yarns, control their density and pack the weft yarns into position.
Weavers Center, Maheshwar (3)

3. The flow is generated to fold and unfold the activities of the institution creating emerging sense of visual perception through tangible and intangible aspects of design. The flow is generated in 3D where horizontal and vertical planes plays a major role creating undulating spaces that is reflected in the form of roofs too. The clue of undulation emerged from undulating ground surface of the site that is a try to reflect in the architectural language carried on the elements like floor surfaces, walls and fenestrations and roof pattern.
4. There are basically three interfaces planned out at site planning level:

Weavers Center, Maheshwar (4)

Thus to derive a language which beholds the roots and extends them towards the future through its values was the challenge which was constantly being addressed.
If you’ve missed participating in this award, don’t worry. RTF’s next series of Awards for Excellence in Architecture & Design – is open for Registration.
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