Theatre is unique object of city space, is the emotional generator for the person. In the theatre people can be enriched, learn himself, and also learn people around. The theatre has a potential of introduction the ideas in consciousness of people , changing their idea of space and of action in general.
Participant Name: Aynur Mustafin
University: KSUAE
Country: Russia
The main idea and the concept are in deep judgment of the life for each person. Theater perhaps is the only place where people come to look at themselves and their acts voluntarily, absorbing everything, and receiving certain emotional experiences. As earlier it was told, theater is the special place and everything around it conducts to it, for this purpose all spatial decisions have to prepare the person for this special atmosphere of unique action which are created by a lot of people.
Perhaps testing the greatest emotional waves the people will be able to realize correctness and abnormality in order to see themselves in representation. To think of the world, of life passing near it. Relief, it’s like a storm in the sea, and the person the small ship worrying these squalls, improbable waves in the consciousness. Appearing on top of waves it is capable to see dawn, singing of birds, (positive moments). Falling down in craters increasing emotional heat is created a palette of feelings thanks to which it is possible to realize life in general.
And at the end of this small travel to be enriched and become a little more conscious, to see own problems and to try to solve them, perhaps the person will be able to rise in consciousness, to become more open and sensitive not only to himself, but also to people around him.