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Flexible bridge |

The issue of this project was to design a pedestrian bridge between a park and an urban green space, which could offer different functions to the user. Therefore we examined all available and possible appropriate activities of them.
Global Architecture & Design Awards 2018
Honorable Mention | Category: Urban Design (Concept)
Architects: MohammadReza Kohzadi
Team Members: Mahtab ezani, Neda mirani, Mohammad nashtayi, Benyamin jahanshahi, Niloofar Sadeghi
Country: United States

Then we decided to design a bridge that works like a plaza which depending on the needs of users, it could give them different functional and formal answers. So we have come this conclusion that we need a flexible structure to respond to all these different issues.

At the end we designed a bridge that has a flexible structure which makes it a multifunctional space. It can be a footbridge and amphitheater for street performances at the same time. It can take a step-shape form to sit and watch the sunset and spend time with others.

It also can turn into a complete flat surface for crowded hours in the day. People can see different faces of the bridge each time and have a new experience while they’re walking on it. So this is much more than just a bridge.

If you’ve missed participating in this award, don’t worry. RTF’s next series of Awards for Excellence in Architecture & Design – is open for Registration.
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