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Fdz Esquivel Architecture | Fdz Esquivel / Arquitectura

The idea of this project is born of creating a barrier of environmental protection because the front is faced the west one. Like result, the design of a few stelas is proposed with stone Tok’, that is a material representative of our entity, inspired in the Mayan culture; these shape a free front that they allow the main volume of the project to enjoy an opening with the handling of big glazed areas, working like a thermal insulator giving privacy and turning into an imposing element that defines the character of the building.

The main volume of the project is shaped by the work places. Inside a natural and warm scene is formed in different planes, together with the vegetation and a double stair of concrete apparent and wood, protected by the big stone front like backdrop.

The luminosity sensations during the day, the freshness for the crossing of the air together with the natural elements inside, offer an environmental comfort where the users realize its daily activities.

Thanks to the handling of the vegetation and stone of the region that appear as protagonists in every space, a harmonic contrast is achieved between the present steel in the structure, the wood used in the furniture, the transparence of the crystal and the big stelas of stone.