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BXG X Game Agency in Barcelona | Yiwei He

The Project’s goal is to provide an open space for local BMX player meanwhile use the building form and programs to connect to the urban context and react solar responsive to become self sustainable.
Participant  Name: Yiwei He
University: City Collage Of New York
Country: United States
BXG (X Game Agency in Barcelona) (2)
To assimilate the building into the urban context, the form will bridge out the high difference in the site’s elevation, while the program connects the health center and school library. Furthermore, The project proposes to display Barcelona’s hidden virtues, a sustained solar energy production while encompassing a double-layered landscape that isolates quiet from busy activities.

Background: Sustainability regulations in Spain’s second largest city, Barcelona, require solar panels to be fitted to all large buildings. The objective is for the buildings to heat 60% of their own hot water. Barcelona is showing the way for the popularisation of renewable energy, and 20 Spanish towns and cities have already followed suit. The EU has already awarded Barcelona a prize for its ambitious initiatives.Since 2000, all new buildings and those undergoing major renovation have had to install solar heat capture surfaces  to provide most of their hot water. What is truly groundbreaking in this respect is the fact that Barcelona has ventured to regulate rather than simply encouraging people to make use of solar energy.