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Amphitheatre on the water | Monika Woźniak

Amphitheatre is located on the Durowo lake in Wagrowiec. Close connection to the city centre and possibility of future development initiate the idea to create a flexible object, that down the road will help to improve touristic and cultural growth of the region. Potential of water provoke a concept of innovative floating theatre, that thanks to combining art and nature, will creates unique artistic experience.  Mobile part of the theater gives a possibility of artistic events that can impact not only lake themselves but also improve urban development of the region.
Participant  Name: Monika Woźniak
University: Poznań University of Technology
Country: Poland
Amphitheatre on the water (1)
tage and additional platforms: Additional platforms allow for a flexible forming of the stage shape and position. Owing to a hexagonal projection their shape is easy to arrange. Platforms have the possibility to move within the entire area of the lake. Due to an easy connection method, introducing new arrangement cause no problems. This unique proposal creates numerous possibility of artistic use of lake area (creating floating exhibitions, artistic performances, concerts, city events etc.)

Factors determining the object’s shape:
-Creating the shape that complementarily and fluently interacts with the lake bank’s landscape
-Opening building to the lake
-Preserving of the coastal greenery – small number of connection points between the object and land
-Creating object that harmoniously complement the whole of the lake promenade and don’t disturb existing context

Three basic ways of stage arrangement:
1) Treating the whole space between the audience as a stage; the surface of the water transforms into a stage and the action is held across the entire internal area.
2) Dividing the audience into smaller spectator groups, which allows for the creation of a more intimate ambience and a better contraction between an artist and a viewer.
3) The stage sailing out into the lake. This type of arrangement gives an opportunity of experience performances from within other floating objects (such as boats, kayaks)

Acoustic panel system’s variability: Not only the stage’s and additional platforms are modifiable. An important factor, given the constant changes in positioning and locating of the stage, is modification of acoustic properties of the stage. Mobility become the main reason for creating the concert shell, build entirely from mobile acoustic panels. Technical possibility to make changes in the angle of inclination and materials forming panels (reflective, absorptive, scattering) allows the acoustics to be adapted to any temporary requirements. Moreover, variability of panels’ placement, in terms of height, creates another options for modifying the shape of the concert shell, in compliance with upcoming requirements. Lighting and sound wires are assemble inside of tubes forming frames (to which panels are fixed). Lightweight construction of the concert shell is caused of the need to lessen the weight of the stage, so that it does not excessively overload the air tanks system keeping the object afloat.